Re-Imagine Learning Spaces

What We Do

As we move into a new system of schooling at home, maximizing your student virtual classroom experience required you establish a learning zone of space in house. Let Melanated Pearl Corp support you on your journey.

Schedule a consultation now:

Design & Set-Up – Learning Space

Classroom in A Box

“Niyonna’s Learning Nook”


You can create a grade level classroom or workstation using a cardboard box.

Customized Learning Spaces for Students

Get rid of distractions while your student is at work! A Customized Classroom in a Box gives your student a private workspace.

Most educators and homeschoolers are familiar with the idea of a curriculum in a box. If you didn’t know, boxed curriculums include things like — teacher guides, books, study sheets, tests, activities, and some include report cards. The classroom in a box offers an opportunity to teach organization. Besides being convenient for you and sour student, a classroom in box can offers easy access to all the books and materials for a academic year. The classroom in a box is a mobile customized workstation for your student.

Customized Content Corners

Grade Level Content Corners

Customize Learning Wall – A content corner focuses on one subject area. Similar to Learning Walls that support students on their learning journey, a content corner is a reference point for students as they work towards knowledge, understanding and application of skills. Anything that builds on your student knowledge as they work towards their LEARNING INTENTION can be included. The wall is not linear like a Bump It Up Wall – it grows in any direction, depending on your students needs.

3rd Grade – Georgia Standards

Build Reading Nooks & Forts for Early Readers

Based on your learning space

How We Do It –

In-Person – You provide the space and materials.

Virtual /Remote (View Video) – Schedule a one – on – one session where I walk you through the process.

Re-imagine Learning Spaces

Where We Do It

Facebook – Follow Melanated Pearl for more tips and tricks!

Instagram – Visual models will be posted throughout the month of August 2020.

YouTube Videos – Subscribe

Why We Do It

To Serve Family and Communities

Share Best Practices and Design Ideas

Support Students and Families transition to Schooling at Home in Virtual Learning


Use cardboard to create

#virtuallearning #distancelearning #remotelearning #virtuallearningenvironment

Creating a Classroom Using a cardboard box – Pre-K 2

1. Step 1: Choose a Theme, Grade Level, or Content Area

Crayons & Colors Theme

2. Step 2: Select a Color Palette

Use white space to break up your structure
We focused on the 8 colors in the crayon box

3. Step 3: Make a Supply List

Select your early learning stations

4. Step 5: Arrange the Items

5. Step 6: Add the Background: Wrapping Paper/Fabric

Reinforce using tape or a gun glue

6. Step 7: Attach the Border

7. Step 8: Add Pictures and Words.

Use pouches to house materials














I AM Miss Universe

South Africa, Zozibini Tunzi (Miss Universe 2019) is a Melanated beauty with natural hair.

Zozibini Tunzi

Someone said you look like Miss Universe! #melanatedpearl Well guess WHAT!!??? In 2019 they ain’t never lied!!! THAT PART!!! #pearlgirl @missuniverse @missymisdemeanorelliott @monesavemyhair #blackisbeautiful #melanatedpeople #melanatedpearlgirls #blackgirlpearls #iammissuniverse2019

Crystal Perry, Founder Melanated Pearl Corp

I am all in my #Melanated feelings about @zozitunzi being crowned @missuniverse BUT this cannot be the end. One victory doesn’t equal a solution! We say ‘representation matters,’ but we rarely ask: to whom? What kind of representation matters? Representation in front of which audiences matters? How does it matter? These are the critical questions left out when the catch-phrase is used without intention, questions that illuminate a necessary and more nuanced look at how we as Black people define ourselves in relation to the world viewing us. #melanatedpearlgirls

South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019

All representation is not created equally. I am excited for the future #blackWomen are everything!

Melanated Pearl

I’m almost done! Maybe @zozitunzi Thank You for your willingness to serve. #melanatedpearl You And your response align with our mission #melanatedpearl South Africa, Zozibini Tunzi (Miss Universe 2019)

South Africa, Zozibini Tunzi (Miss Universe 2019)

Answer: “I think the most important thing we should be teaching young girls today is leadership. It’s something that has been lacking in young girls and women for a very long time, not because we don’t want to but because of what society has labeled women to be. I think we are the most powerful beings [in] the world, and that we should be given every opportunity. And that is what we should be teaching these young girls: to take up space. Nothing is as important as taking up space in society and cementing yourself.” #pearlgirl @missuniverse #misssouthafrica

Miss Universe 2019 Is Young, Gifted And An Outspoken Believer In ‘Black Girl Magic’

@melanated_pearl our MISSION is to educate, uplift, and empower! Trying to make people who have always been represented understand why good representation is so important is extremely difficult. For those who don’t understand, representation seems like a trivial thing. But for those of us who do understand, we know how important representation truly is. We know what it is like growing up, and only seeing people who look like us in stereotypical roles, aimed to be the butt of a joke. Too many of us #pearlgirls grow up hating how we look since the models, who we are taught to look to as the epitome of beauty, never looked like us. @zozitunzi Too many of us #blackgirlmagic know what it’s like to grow up feeling like an outsider in your own country, since apparently your stories don’t matter enough to be told. #blackwomenmatter Miss Universe 2019 Is Young, Gifted And An Outspoken Believer In ‘Black Girl Magic’ @missuniverse #blackgirlpearls

that Freedom thing

Welcome to a spiritual adventure with Melanated Pearl. Join her on her journey through Elmina Castle.

I lived more than 4 decades before I experienced the true meaning of FREEDOM and I will fight for it for the rest of my LIFE! You and your freedom is important to me and essential to you.

P. E. A. R. L. Girl I see you and I am saying to you…you deserve your freedom. #changethesituation #thefutureisfemale

Just because you don’t understand a practice or tradition~doesn’t make it less sophisticated, complicated, meaningful, or organized!

Crystal Perry, Melanated Pearl Corp Founder

Black Women Travel

July 5-10, 2019, I traveled to Accra, Ghana and the Elmina Slave Castle

Melanated Pearl walking into the dungeons

We are the descendants of those that REFUSED to DIE!

Pathway of  rocks and gravel
Walking towards the entrance of The Elmina Slave Castle
Continue reading “that Freedom thing”

Just a GRAIN of sand…

Following a trip to Ghana 2019, Melanated Pearl reflects on her transition. Starting at the very beginning. A grain of sand.

I once was a grain of sand. I enjoyed the consistency of the sun and the ocean. I was part of the land and surrounded by millions like me. I was protected. I was valued. I had purpose.

Melanated Pearl  Black Women In beach collecting sand
Melanated Pearl collecting sand from Cape Coast – Elmina Slave Castle 2019


Sankofa is a word in the Twi language of Ghana that translates to “Go back and get it” and also refers to the Asante Adinkra symbol represented either with a stylized heart shape or by a bird with its head turned backwards while its feet face forward carrying a precious egg in its mouth.

The waves and the winds sing a song of Freedom !

The Land

My ancestors called to me as I walk towards the water. They celebrated my homecoming and when I placed my foot onto the earth I recalled the essence of my beginnings. I once was a grain of sand. I thrived among many. I had purpose. I had value. I had worth. And then…

Melanated Pearl   Black Women In beach in Africa
Melanated Pearl greeting the land.

The transition happened because it was necessary. I once was a GRAIN of SAND, but I was selected to transform, to move, to travel, to change. Without notice I was pick up by someone’s foot. I was separated from the earth. I was place in the water. I became a part of something I only experienced in ~waves. I transitioned individually and collectively and I settled into the water. I once was a grain of sand on the beach in the Motherland. But my transition made me part of the ocean.

Bringing that “BLACK Light” to things that aren’t quite right!

Our Community

Why the focus on women?

Our communities are made up of the life choices and chances afford to both men and women. Why the focus on women? Many of the circumstances that we’ve come to accept as justifying an exclusive focus on men and boys are in fact directly related to the social-economic challenges facing their mothers and those, in turn, are directly related to some of the challenges facing girls. We have an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and assist women in developing self-reflection techniques and leadership skills to improve and or increase their quality of life. That said, it’s only appropriate that we find the time to encourage our female audience to learn from each other, inspire each other, and teach one another.

In the age of social media, it’s inevitable (especially for younger generations) that women compare their own lives to the lives of the people they follow on Instagram, Twitter, and even LinkedIn in regards to professional growth. This behavior only drives unhealthy competition between the female community—I would rather encourage women to view social media as a place to positively impact others, and show life as it is; unfiltered and raw.

How nice would it be to wake up and see something that was real, funny, and made you feel alive; rather than something that causes you to compare your appearance and wealth? This starts with each of us—showing the authentic lives we lead—not the, ‘let me know you how much better my life is than yours,’ life that we’re rarely ever living.
Women have always been change-makers and it should be no different here.

To make this a reality, we’re going to need your help. Every time you contribute a story, experience, or idea, you’re building a knowledge base every member of this community can tap to make better decisions.

Join the Melanated Pearl Community
