that Freedom thing

Welcome to a spiritual adventure with Melanated Pearl. Join her on her journey through Elmina Castle.

I lived more than 4 decades before I experienced the true meaning of FREEDOM and I will fight for it for the rest of my LIFE! You and your freedom is important to me and essential to you.

P. E. A. R. L. Girl I see you and I am saying to you…you deserve your freedom. #changethesituation #thefutureisfemale

Just because you don’t understand a practice or tradition~doesn’t make it less sophisticated, complicated, meaningful, or organized!

Crystal Perry, Melanated Pearl Corp Founder

Black Women Travel

July 5-10, 2019, I traveled to Accra, Ghana and the Elmina Slave Castle

Melanated Pearl walking into the dungeons

We are the descendants of those that REFUSED to DIE!

Pathway of  rocks and gravel
Walking towards the entrance of The Elmina Slave Castle
Continue reading “that Freedom thing”

Giving is real love (Girl)

If you believe you can then you will. It all starts with believing in the possibility of an impossible idea. “See a need, fill a need”!

You never know how strong you are until you have to be. Understanding your strength is important. Reminding you to focus on giving. Girl – giving is real love- Whenever I feel myself slipping into darkness, I get up and do something for someone else. #volunteer


If you believe you can then you will. It all starts with believing in the possibility of an impossible idea. “See a need, fill a need”!

That’s something I’ve always believed and lived. Knowing that…We battle not against flesh and blood…but spiritual wickedness…the purpose of Melanated Pearl Corporation and the PEARL Girl Launch is to break the negative traditions of competition and division…and to celebrate the gifts, talents, perseverance, resilience, and skills sets of #blackwomen 

We believe there is room at the top for all of us! Our strength is in our variety. What products and services do you provide? We seek to promote #blackfemalebusinessowner#blackgirlmagic#blackwomenmagic

#pearlgirl #blackentrepreneurs #blacksinglemothers #blackbusinesswomen


#blackgirlmagic#blackwomenmagic #pearlgirl

#blackentrepreneurs #blacksinglemothers #blackbusinesswomen #blackbusinesswoman

Melanated Pearl and Dr. Candy Tate