Blackout Tuesday – 6/2/2020

Today was hard but meaningful. I woke up to Black Screenshots… and the hashtag #BlackOutTuesday Okay, we protesting. So without thought I joined and went ALL BLACK IMMEDIATELY.

a moment of rest

As quickly as we seemed to come together, we started to come apart. I decided to refrain from posting anything new to my social media pages, but I gave in to post the above photo of me laying on my couch. Why? Because I needed to. I needed to wait. I needed to listen. I needed to research. I need to watch. I needed to learn. I needed to process my feelings. I needed a sign of hope.


I understand those who say – “I refuse to silence myself.” I hear you loud and clear to those screaming, “Black people have been silent enough.” I support you and your contributions. I am thankful for your voice and your passion. I appreciate the perspective of those who pay attention to the details and explain -who and why- this particular protest popped up on this particular day during the pandemic. I am thankful for today and I took this day to rest and reset.

Start Black Over

We won’t pretend to have an answer. We too, are exhausted by the consistent injustice and brutality. But we are HERE. We will continue to SERVE and we draw our strength from you. That said, let’s continue to move each other forward. In alignment with our mission, we seek to EDUCATE (and be uneducated), we purposely UPLIFT ourselves and others, and want to EMPOWER women; Black Women in particular.


Melanated PEARLs are

◦ Melanin-Inspired

◦ Equity-focused

◦ Legacy-builders

◦ Action-seekers

◦ Neighborly-networkers

◦ Admiring-observers

◦ Talent-sharers

◦ Educational-advocates

◦ Dedicated-developers

that Freedom thing

Welcome to a spiritual adventure with Melanated Pearl. Join her on her journey through Elmina Castle.

I lived more than 4 decades before I experienced the true meaning of FREEDOM and I will fight for it for the rest of my LIFE! You and your freedom is important to me and essential to you.

P. E. A. R. L. Girl I see you and I am saying to you…you deserve your freedom. #changethesituation #thefutureisfemale

Just because you don’t understand a practice or tradition~doesn’t make it less sophisticated, complicated, meaningful, or organized!

Crystal Perry, Melanated Pearl Corp Founder

Black Women Travel

July 5-10, 2019, I traveled to Accra, Ghana and the Elmina Slave Castle

Melanated Pearl walking into the dungeons

We are the descendants of those that REFUSED to DIE!

Pathway of  rocks and gravel
Walking towards the entrance of The Elmina Slave Castle
Continue reading “that Freedom thing”